Sunday Mornings - 10:30 AM

Welcome to QAUMC. Worship is the heartbeat of any faith community. Here we offer praise to God; here we lament our sorrows. We share our prayers and sing the songs of our tradition. We baptize and we break bread. We mark the Christian year. We practice how we want to live in the world - we pass the peace, we ask for and extend forgiveness, we bless gifts for the healing of the world.

We show up happy and sad. We come in shorts, jeans, and suits. We are young and we are less young. We are male, female, non-binary. We are wonderful and we are flawed. However, you show up, you are welcome.

Our worship services are masks optional. We honor those who choose to mask and those who choose to come unmasked. Please take appropriate precautions for your health and well-being.

Our services are currently not on Zoom while we undergo a hiring process. Worship is only in-person.